In high school I spent a lot of time at my best friend Cyndi’s house. She lived around the corner and her house was great! Her mom bought Dr. Pepper, pizza rolls and they had MTV. I would go on the weekends to the lake with her family and we would often play a pick up game of softball at the park on the weekends. We had great times together.
One thing I remember from her family was the politeness they had with each other. They always said “Please” and “Thank You.” Not that my family was rude or anything, but we didn’t use those words as often. It has always stuck with me and it has been something I have passed along to my children…to be polite and gracious with not just strangers but those closest to you.
I need to take a minute to thank God for a specific blessing…my friend Melissa.
She recently traveled with me as I led a retreat and she led worship. She’s the “Travis” to my “Beth” 🙂 I can always count on hearing my Facebook chime at just the right time when I need to chat and this past Friday she came over with hubby in tow for a visit that was needed more than I realized.
People are placed in our lives sometimes for a lifetime and other times for a season. But always at the right time.
Thank you, God for putting Melissa into my life.
Today I Am Thankful For:
- presents
- Hershey’s Kisses
- extra, long iPad chargers
- bitter cold
- new projects