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In honor of “National Siblings Day,” I wrote a post that originally appeared on the Infusing Love blog hosted by the Hemophilia Federation of America.  
This is about my brother.  He lives in my heart.
I have always felt my brother’s presence in my life.  He was born in May of 1962.  There are no pictures of him or any stories about him.  He only lived for five days.  I was born, 6 years later, in October of 1968.
I remember going to the cemetery to visit the family graves when I was a kid.  My brother, Ronnie, was buried with my grandfather.  He did not have a headstone and my parents never talked about him.  I was curious, I wanted to know more about him, but they always shut me out.  His death was a taboo subject in our home.  I can’t imagine the pain my parents experienced losing a child.
I often wonder, “How in the world, even as a teenager, could I feel his presence in my life?”  Looking back I believe Ronnie was trying to tell me something that would change my life forever.  To read the rest of this post visit

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