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I never thought I would be excited to wait in line to drop off and pick my son up from school.
Yes, the carpool line….I am thrilled to be in the carpool line!
A year ago my son was in the hospital and has been wheelchair bound until recently.
My “Christian” has been fighting like I’ve never seen a little boy fight to walk without needing his wheelchair.  Despite the damage to his knee and the hitch in his gait, nothing is holding him back from keeping up with his friends.
He even told his dad that he was ready to sell his wheelchair … I don’t think we are quite ready to do that 🙂
My son can walk into his school on his own two feet.
He is walking up and down the halls of his school.
He is eye level with his friends.

I don’t need anything for Christmas this year…..I’ve already received the greatest gift ever…to be a mom in the carpool line once again.

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