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I remember emailing my trail riding buddy last Sunday night (10/13) and writing “We are going to have a great week!”  Then things fell apart for both of us.  That happens, life takes twists and turns and we have to work really hard to keep our heads above water and do the next right thing.

I have not experienced stress and anxiety the way I did this past Saturday evening.  My “Christian” was starting to have a bleed, my husband was out of town and I was guest preaching at a local church the next morning (without a back up plan).  How was I going to make everything happen, especially if Christian had to go to the hospital?  How was I going to calm myself down and keep it together for the sake of my children?  And how in the world was God going to use me to preach His Word when I was an utter wreck?

God showed up in the way of my friend “M”, who came over to simply talk and check on me and let me cry Saturday night.  As a pastor’s wife, I don’t get to do that very often.  And her friendship has meant the world to me.  It’s been a long time since I have had a true confidant in the flesh and not simply online.

Fortunately my Christian stabilized and we did not have to go to the hospital.  I made it to preach at Bernalillo UMC and all of sudden who do I see?  God in the form of another one of my friend’s “D”.  I was overcome that she came out to support me, and of course we had to go to lunch:)  My day ended with a great trail ride and fantastic conversation with my trail riding buddy.

God has set some amazing things in motion for me.  Not just with my speaking ministry but with placing some particular women in my life.

What I know for sure is that despite where we are in our lives.  Despite the craziness, that God uses us even when we don’t feel like it…..and when we feel less than.  Sometimes those are the most powerful times when we are able to share God’s word.

Today I Am Thankful For:

  1. My husband returning home
  2. Sleeping through the night despite a bleed
  3. Doing the next, right thing
  4. Warm socks
  5. friendships