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Foot Washing.

Two words that will make people run from the church!   Thursday evening our church had a foot washing service.  It was one of the most amazing, spirit filled evenings I think I’ve ever had.

Our small, intimate group had the opportunity to have their feet washed and wash the feet of others, experience Holy Communion and have a lay leader pray with them.  All three of these experiences are extremely personal and powerful.  I was blessed as my husband washed my feet with the heart of a servant.  You have to let yourself completely release and experience and when you do you cannot help but feel the power of the Holy Spirit.

I brought my eight year old, “Christian” to the front to take part in the experience and before he could get out of his wheelchair to sit in the seat in front of the basin his little friend, who is about 6 years old ran up to wash my Christian’s feet.  This little boy ran up without fear or doubt because he was led….this sweet little six year old was moved by the Holy Spirit to wash the feet of his friend.  His mom and I and the rest of the people in the church stopped to witness Christ through these precious little boys.  One giving his heart with sheer abandon as the other received a gift from someone who he loves.

When Christian came back to the pew, his Dad came over, pulled his pants over his bad knee and anointed him with oil as he and his friends stood around him praying.  I don’t know if I took a breath the entire time because all I could feel was the presence of the Holy Spirit.  I am so sorry for the people who stayed away because “foot washing” sounded so scary because even if you had not taken part in the washing of feet, just being in that sanctuary you would have felt God’s presence like never before.

It was an evening that I hope I never forget.  An evening filled with faith, hope and love.

Faith that when we show up to worship God will meet us.

Hope in the Father who loves us right where we are.

Love for each other because of the love God has given to us.

Today I Am Thankful For:

  1. Frankincense
  2. Living, cleansing water
  3. A beautiful basin from my Dad, used in ways he and I never imagined
  4. How it feels to tear bread as you serve communion
  5. The hearts of little boys