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The older I get the faster time seems to fly by. “Is it already August? Where did the summer go?? Enjoy your children they grow so fast.”

Aren’t those the kind of things only our parents used to say? Well, we are our parents now.

Mom Dad (3)

Eighteen years ago today my mom, Lydia Cano Campos, passed away. It was too soon.

My first child was only five weeks old. He was diagnosed with hemophilia and I didn’t know what to do. I needed my mom more than ever.

I needed her to love on my son and spoil him like only a grandma could. I wanted my son to see her come into a room and run to her with his arms open while going straight for her purse to find a surprise.

I needed her to love me and encourage me as I became a mom for the first time. A mom of a child with a chronic illness. I didn’t know what to do.

But I am still here. God’s plan for my mom was not exactly what I had hoped for and believe me I spent some time angry with God. Taking my mom, hemophilia, being a new mom with depression that was eating my lunch…it was not a good time but God never left me. There were people in my life that helped me move forward.

I am the woman I am today because of my Mom. She loved like nobody else could. She could fill your belly with hardly anything in the pantry, and whenever you need $5 and $20 bill would somehow appear in your purse or in the mail.

Father, God I am so grateful for Lydia Cano Campos. Her voice is in my head, the feel of her warm hands ever on mine and the laughter, oh Lord, the laughter! I am a woman blessed for being her daughter. Thank you.

Today I Am Thankful For:

  1. Pork chops
  2. Iced tea
  3. The scuffing sound of her slippers
  4. Housedresses
  5. Lunch money