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I had the luxury of taking two Friday’s off in the past month.  Why such a luxury?  Because those days were not spent “vacationing” in the hospital.

I honestly do not know when the last time was that I took time off and it was not related to medical issues for my son.  My boss was thrilled when I asked for a couple of days off and that they were for me 🙂

Sometimes you have to stop and breathe.

  •  Work is not a place to stop and breathe.
  • Running errands or going to appointments is not a time to stop and breathe.
  • Cleaning house and preparing for company or a party is not time to stop and breathe.

I had forgotten what it was like to take time for myself.  It wasn’t that I did anything special, I just had some uninterrupted time to rest.

I realized something and was pretty disheartened.  Here I am, tired and worn out physically and I took some time to rest and recuperate.  But when my spirit is empty and my heart not filled when do I truly go to God and hand over the burdens that are heavy on my heart and truly let go of them?

Aren’t we all a little guilty of that sometimes?  We run around working to meet the needs of others in our lives and we spend all of our energy on other people and projects.  They are probably all people in need and projects that need to happen but we give and give and give until we are empty physically and spiritually.  It’s easy to raise a white flag and take an extra nap or read a book, but what I find is hardest is going to God and just giving up the things that I know I cannot completely handle.  That is why He is there…always.

I don’t want to wait until I am completely drained with nothing left to give anyone (especially myself) before I reach out to God.  He has never let me down and I don’t want to simply run to him when things aren’t going well but when things are great!  And when my spirit needs a jump start I should not be looking to be in relationship with Him to get me kick started for that moment…those moments should be a daily occurrence.

Today I Am Thankful For

  1. Bruises
  2. New chapters
  3. Confirmed flights
  4. Theological discussions
  5. A cold breeze