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“Your presence is a unique gift to the world.”

As I sat in the hospital with my “Christian” during his recent knee bleed, I started to think about the amount of time I was with him. I wanted to “work”, and I had my laptop and some papers, but I was only able to keep up with my email a bit. It’s hard to work from the hospital. There is just too much going on.

I started thinking about the business trip I had to cancel while Christian was still in the hospital. I could have gone, but my heart and mind would have been here at the hospital and not with my work. It all worked out.

In these situations I have learned that presence is most important.

Christian is not going to remember the work I missed, or the trips I did or did not take, he is going to remember that his Mommy was always with him in the hospital (not that Daddy can’t do it…’s just not the same without your Mommy).

My presence to my son is the ultimate gift I can give to him.

Yes, working to earn money and take care of him is important, etc. but my presence is what he is going to always remember.

My world is my family. If I can’t be present for them, then I am not living my life as authentically as I am meant to be living.

Today I Am Thankful For:

1. Hospital tray bacon

2. Wearing socks on a cold floor

3. Thin, hospital pillows (and using at least 3) 

4. Disney Junior

5. Food Network

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