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A friend of mine asked me if our family had had at least two weeks of “normal” over the past several months.  I stopped and thought about and realized that the longest span of time we have been able to count as “normal” (without being in the hospital with my little boy) has only been about 10 – 12 days.

When you live with illness in your family you just do the next thing, one breath at a time.  Last week was a great week for my son (the best we have had since October).  I even went out of town for a few days to participate in some national advocacy work.  I will admit, it was nice to get away and focus on another aspect of hemophilia for a few days.

I am sitting here on a Sunday night with a little anxiety brewing about the week to come.  I know I have a good bit of work to catch up on and will need to maneuver my schedule to get “Christian” to physical therapy.  And I have a retreat at our church to plan.

Instead of worrying about everything, I am choosing to worry about nothing.

I am going to do my best to take Philippians 4:6-7 to heart.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV)

Prayer.  I want to saturate myself in prayer.  I want to be intentional with my prayer time and treat my relationship and time with God as importantly as I would anyone else.

Thanksgiving.  I don’t want to always ask for something, I want to praise God for everything despite the yuck going on in my life.  I want to make praising God and thanking Him for my life a focus of my relationship with Him.

Peace.  This is definitely something I want to understand.  Peace is not a place to get away from everything, it is a place you go within yourself, within your heart while all of the craziness around you continues.

I can’t complain.  God has given me another day to love those around me so He is obviously not done with me yet.

Today I Am Thankful For:

  1. Sunflower seeds
  2. Dental floss
  3. Fleece blankets
  4. Sunday lunch after church
  5. Legos