Checklists, schedules, plan A & B……
I like to be prepared.
The last two weeks were an opportunity for God to get a good chuckle as my “plans” changed at the drop of a hat.
Instead of attending a business trip in California, I became ill with strict orders from the doctor to not travel.
“Okay,” I thought. “I’ll get plenty of rest for my next trip to Washington D.C. on Thursday.
Sunday night my son is admitted to the hospital. Thursday morning at 4:45 am I drive into the parking lot at the airport and broke down into tears.
I knew where I needed to be. I called my boss (and friend) at the wee hours of the morning to let her know that I needed to turn back around…she knew before I did that I would not be traveling that day.
Sometimes we try so hard to make a “square peg into a round hole.” That’s when we get into trouble….at least I do. Stopping long enough to hear that still, small voice in our hearts…the voice of the One who created us is hard to do when we are in the middle of the yucky stuff like hospitals and changes in plans.
If we take the time to breathe, to be still, and to listen to our hearts we may just be surprised at how God uses us in the most difficult of situations.
I know I am a stronger woman because of the journey I am on. There is something great in store that hasn’t even surfaced yet.
God has me where I need to be…no doubt about that.