Yesterday afternoon I was struggling with work. I just wanted it to be 5:00 pm on Friday! Then, my cell phone rang. It was a dear friend of mine who I worked with for many, many years. I miss her terribly. Her passion and spirit are contagious. She is the kind of person children (and adults) gravitate to. They just want to be in her presence. I absolutely adore her.
She is struggling because her mother is in the final stages of her life…and my sweet friend called me. God used me. I was able to relate to her struggle and give her some fresh insights as she tried to make sense of a difficult time. For someone to reach out to you when they are hurting is humbling. You learn a lot about yourself when you have to dig deep to help someone else.
Ministry happens at unexpected times. It’s not always on Sunday mornings within the walls of a church. It happens during a busy workday, on a weekend with the family, at the store and even late at night on Facebook.
I am honored that God uses me. When I get complacent about my ministry, He wakes me up in a huge way.
So glad I listened.
Today I Am Thankful For:
1. unexpected phone calls
2. iced tea
3. incense
5. moms