My blog is broken into three main categories but I touch on endless topics. To read my posts about these categories just click the buttons below.
The Fishbowl Podcast
The podcast for leaders in ministry and the world
Oozing Everyday
Thoughts on life and faith while “oozing”‘ with the light of Christ
2 Brothers with Hemophilia
The journey of two brothers with Severe hemophilia A
All About Grace
Recently, I went before the Board of Ordained Ministry of the New Mexico Conference of the United Methodist Church and was recommended for ordination in June! This means an official vote will take place at Annual Conference, and then I will be ordained. I thought I...
When wheelchair use represents freedom, not confinement
Originally published by Hemophilia News Today, March 6, 2024 There’s a stigma surrounding those who use wheelchairs. To most, they evoke pity: “Oh, how awful to be confined to a wheelchair.” Perhaps it’d be awful for the person making the statement, but is it awful...
If I had superpowers, would I take away my son’s chronic pain?
Published initially by Hemophilia News Today, February 28, 2024 The Marvel Cinematic Universe is part of today’s culture. Its movies take theatergoers to places never imagined. Iron Man, Thor, and Doctor Strange are a few of the characters that it brings to life, and...
A life-changing, powerful concert is self-care that heals the soul
Self-care is good for the soul. Ugh. I know you have heard all about self-care over the years. Take a walk, get a manicure, go for a hike, eat healthy, etc. All of these things are great, but what about thinking outside of the box? What about music? I love the hair...
Feeling good in your skin is about giving yourself grace
I have not taken time away from writing, devotionals, and speaking in many years. These past few months have given me space to breathe and focus on my family and hospice chaplain ministry. It has been a very fulfilling time, and I look forward to seeing patients every...
Taking time for renewal is important…it can happen everyday.
A New Path
I always thought that my calling as a deacon would be lived out speaking and educating the rare disease community. One of my favorite places to be is in front of a group of families with bleeding disorders, offering hope and encouragement. This is true deacon work...
Never a Coincidence When the Spirit Appears in Unexpected Places
Today my dad (aka "Dude") would have turned 96. He has been gone for 16 years, and rarely a day goes by that I don't think about him. I still see my dad often. Sometimes my youngest son, Caeleb, makes a face or moves a certain way, just like my dad. He even wiggles...
One Word 2023: A Pastor’s Point of View
Is the New Year really here? Yes, it is that time. time to select my word for the year. Last year my word “listen” helped me find time in the busyness of life to stop and be still. Being intentional about finding more time to quiet my mind helped me with my focus, not...
Remembering My Band Director
When I was in fifth grade, my sister’s band director, Mrs. Dempsey, asked her if I was smart. Mrs. Dempsey found out I was an A student and immediately sent me an oboe. I was excited about the sixth-grade band, and here was an instrument picked out by “the band...