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My blog is broken into three main categories but I touch on endless topics. To read my posts about these categories just click the buttons below. 

The Fishbowl Podcast

The podcast for leaders in ministry and the world

Oozing Everyday

Thoughts on life and faith while “oozing”‘ with the light of Christ

2 Brothers with Hemophilia

The journey of two brothers with Severe hemophilia A

All About Grace

All About Grace

Recently, I went before the Board of Ordained Ministry of the New Mexico Conference of the United Methodist Church and was recommended for ordination in June! This means an official vote will take place at Annual Conference, and then I will be ordained. I thought I...

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A New Path

A New Path

I always thought that my calling as a deacon would be lived out speaking and educating the rare disease community. One of my favorite places to be is in front of a group of families with bleeding disorders, offering hope and encouragement. This is true deacon work...

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Remembering My Band Director

Remembering My Band Director

When I was in fifth grade, my sister’s band director, Mrs. Dempsey, asked her if I was smart. Mrs. Dempsey found out I was an A student and immediately sent me an oboe. I was excited about the sixth-grade band, and here was an instrument picked out by “the band...

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The Mighty Contributor - Cazandra Campos-MacDonald

