My blog is broken into three main categories but I touch on endless topics. To read my posts about these categories just click the buttons below.
The Fishbowl Podcast
The podcast for leaders in ministry and the world
Oozing Everyday
Thoughts on life and faith while “oozing”‘ with the light of Christ
2 Brothers with Hemophilia
The journey of two brothers with Severe hemophilia A
10 years apart
My oldest son, Julian, is 20 and my youngest, Caeleb, is 11. There is almost a ten year age difference between them. When I had Caeleb, I truly felt like a new mom simply because the baby gear was so much nicer and high tech compared to 1996! Whoever invented the...
Family…part 3
The past few weeks have been very busy. One week I was in Missouri for a speaking engagement and catching up with friends, the next week I spent with my friend of a lifetime, relaxing and catching up in Texas and then I went to Florida for training. I am now part of...
Family…part 2
My parents have passed away, and my immediate family consists of me, my husband, my two sons and sister-in-law. When I traveled back to Houston last summer for my high school reunion, someone said, "Oh, you're going home for a visit." I said, "No, I am leaving my...
Family…part 1
"Blood is thicker than water, " is the old saying that tells us that blood relationships are the most important. I grew up in a tight knit family of four, and we never had friends over on Thanksgiving or Christmas. It was never a thought to even consider. I always...
When you live with an inhibitor you often wonder what life would be like if you "only had hemophilia." In our case, Caeleb, who is 11, has lived for 10 years with an inhibitor. Shouldn't it be gone by now?Our oldest son, Julian, who is twenty, also had an...
Last night I had some writing to complete. I am speaking at an event in Missouri this week and my talk was all over the place! I had so many ideas and they just were not organized the way I had wanted them to be. I needed to have some quiet…some solitude to try to...
The unknown curve
Faith has gotten me through some of the worst times in my life. That is for sure. I have often considered myself a woman whose faith was a key part of her life. I just wish I could say that my faith was strong all of the time…that it never wavered…that I lived...
God can always hear you
Today in worship, we celebrated communion (I like that our second service celebrates communion weekly). After receiving the elements, I went to the altar to pray…and I had no words. I wanted to talk to God after that special moment of communion, but my heart and...
Eleven years
My mighty warrior, Caeleb turns 11 years old today. I lived for 37 years without him…how in the world is that possible? I have always said that I felt like my life began on June 23, 1996 when my Julian was born. For at least 5 years my husband and I...
Two weeks in…
It's January 15th…two weeks into 2017. I wonder how many people have already fallen off the wagon and blow their resolutions to pieces? My One Word, "change," is staring me in the face (literally, it's over my desk) and I feel like I have not given it justice. The...