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My blog is broken into three main categories but I touch on endless topics. To read my posts about these categories just click the buttons below. 

The Fishbowl Podcast

The podcast for leaders in ministry and the world

Oozing Everyday

Thoughts on life and faith while “oozing”‘ with the light of Christ

2 Brothers with Hemophilia

The journey of two brothers with Severe hemophilia A

To Risk or Not To Risk?

I have always played it safe. I like knowing my options and what kind of percentage I have for something to go right or wrong.  When I am in a group of people I hardly begin a conversation.  And when a question is asked and I know the answer I always hesitate.  Then...

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Thinking About Prayer

Prayer.  I often beat myself up because I feel like I do not spend enough time in prayer.  Yes, I know, prayer is not simply sitting in silence and conversing with God.  It can be so much more. Prayer is seeing something beautiful and taking a moment to savor its...

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My Boy Is In a Band!

My youngest son “Christian” is in the percussion ensemble at his school.  He just recently had his end of the year concert, and I must say, I was impressed.  There were at least twenty students on the stage playing some difficult rhythms.  I can’t even...

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Blank Pages

  Sunday evenings are normally a little anxiety ridden.  The work week is about to start, lunches need to be made, clothes ready for the family, and schedules ironed out for who is getting where and when.  But for the first Sunday night in a really long time I am...

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Retreat Week…at home

I recently told you that I would be attending a writing working shop in Austin this week.  I was so disappointed when the email come on Friday afternoon that the workshop leader became very ill and retreat had been postponed.  I literally felt my heart leave my body....

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With Love to My Mom

  The best memories I have of my mother involve laughter.  We would laugh so hard that tears rolled down our cheeks and not a sound was made!  My stomach and sides would hurt from our silliness.  It didn't take much for us to crack up and it was always good...

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Courage - noun - the ability to do something that frightens one; strength in the face of pain or grief. When I think of the word courage I immediately think of my 9 year old son "Christian."  He has conquered his fear of needles and handles his daily infusions...

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Joining the Dance

My husband came home for lunch today and as we were eating (I was working at my computer) he said "Here is one that will bring a smile to your face."  He played a recording of a song from one of my favorite movies… "The Prince of Egypt."  The character "Jethro" sings...

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Big Blessings Little Blessings

This afternoon the weather was absolutely perfect.  68 degrees with a slight, cool breeze with a crystal, blue sky.  It's the kind of afternoon that New Mexico is famous for.  It just doesn't get better than it was today. Sunday's after church for the pastor and...

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World Hemophilia Day

What I Want You to KnowHere are a few things that I want those of you not affected by a bleeding disorder to know:My boys are tough!They have been poked with needles more in their 9 year and 18 year existence than most people ever will. They have experienced...

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The Mighty Contributor - Cazandra Campos-MacDonald

