My blog is broken into three main categories but I touch on endless topics. To read my posts about these categories just click the buttons below.
The Fishbowl Podcast
The podcast for leaders in ministry and the world
Oozing Everyday
Thoughts on life and faith while “oozing”‘ with the light of Christ
2 Brothers with Hemophilia
The journey of two brothers with Severe hemophilia A
The Brother I Never Knew
In honor of "National Siblings Day," I wrote a post that originally appeared on the Infusing Love blog hosted by the Hemophilia Federation of America. This is about my brother. He lives in my heart.I have always felt my brother's presence in my life. ...
A New Day
It has been three months since the beginning of 2015. Three months have gone by in a flash! As I sat in our Easter services at church this morning, I realized that I could feel sorry for myself that I have let three, precious months go by without changing much in my...
For the first time in several years I traveled to an out of town meeting, alone, without any worry about what may or may not happen at home. My "Christian's" health is better than ever and our world has been pretty "boring" and it has been wonderful! I met several of...
Energy in the Air
I am attending the Hemophilia Federation of America's Symposium in St. Louis and let me tell you something, I feel energy like I've not felt in a very, long time! The symposium has grown over the years and being in the presence of 1,000 people who are affected by a...
Remember "blue laws"? When I was a kid Sunday's consisted of going to church and maybe picking up something from the grocery store. Nothing else was open. Blue laws were designed to restrict the sale of items on certain days (mostly Sunday's) for religious...
The Highlight of My Day
"A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world." John 16:21 (NIV) I have been blessed with two sons. My oldest is 18. The moment he came...
You are Zero!: My Letter to the Inhibitor
One of my new favorite sites is "The Mighty." They are encouraging people to write letters to the disease/disorder that affects the ones they love. Here's mine.Dear Hemophilia with an Inhibitor,I didn't know you could be so vicious. You destroyed my...
Life is Good
I love Sunday's. I spend the morning in worship at my church, usually followed by lunch with friends then a nap or binge watching a show on Netflix. The evening is filled with making sure that clothes are ready for the week, lunch is packed, homework...
For Such a Time as This….Thank you to the cast and crew of Chicago & Make-a-Wish
My oldest son, Julian is now 18. He has severe Hemophilia A that is very well managed. But when he was little he had an inhibitor and his father and I had to access his port for daily infusion for over 2 1/2 years. That's not what happens to a "normal" kid. When...
30 Seconds
I was recently in a class where the facilitator asked the question, "Where have you seen Jesus in your life?" The room was silent. I was pretty surprised that these beautiful, faithful women had nothing to say. I immediately knew the moment I experienced Jesus in...