by cazmac9910 | Oct 2, 2016 | God's love, God's Word, gratitude, Living Life, Oozing
I’ve lived with depression and anxiety for many, many years. Since my early twenties if not in high school a bit. I have hit rock bottom once and fortunately have found myself out of that cold, dark, slimy pit of depression. I do admit that I sink back...
by cazmac9910 | Apr 11, 2016 | God's Grace, God's Word, gratitude, Living Life, Oozing
I have such a hard time asking for help. It’s not in my DNA. I have always been of the ilk that there was nothing I couldn’t do, so I needed to do it all! I laugh when I think about how I was when Joe and I were newlyweds. I set the table every night after working...
by cazmac9910 | Jan 25, 2016 | Doubt, Excitement, Faith, God's love, God's Word, gratitude, intentional living, Oozing
When you are in ministry you need to have a tough skin. Not everyone will like you and sometimes you run into people who will tell you exactly what they think of you. Even if their information is blatantly wrong, sometimes their words can cut you to the core. I had...
by cazmac9910 | Jul 20, 2015 | Faith, God's Word, Oozing
I love leading women’s groups. I have had many opportunities to lead weekend retreats, workshops, support groups and small studies. There is just something about women being together that is magical. We know each other in a special way. When I lead a women’s event...
by cazmac9910 | Apr 6, 2015 | Faith, God's Grace, God's love, God's Word, One Word, Oozing
It has been three months since the beginning of 2015. Three months have gone by in a flash! As I sat in our Easter services at church this morning, I realized that I could feel sorry for myself that I have let three, precious months go by without changing much in my...
by cazmac9910 | Jul 23, 2013 | God's Word, gratitude, Living Life, Oozing, Uncategorized
I will admit, when I ask someone how they are doing I am not wanting to hear the litany of everything that is wrong. I expect the obligatory, “I’m fine.” I answer “I’m fine” before I even have the chance to think about what is...