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Love them anyway

It was a long, couple of days as I traveled to St. Louis to speak at an event. I arrived at the St. Louis airport ready to hunker down for a long wait for my departure home. As I went through security, my boarding pass was checked and moved on to the line to have my...

One Bad Apple

When you are in ministry, you can’t please everyone. It’s just not possible. Some people will love you and the work you do and others you will never be able to please. Developing a tough skin is necessary, but not easy. I also speak to groups across the...

Happy Half Year!

January 1, 2017…I had such big plans. I was going to embrace my One Word, “change,” and really make a difference in my life. By the summer I would have lost at least 20 pounds, been going to the gym regularly, having a daily prayer life and been employed...


One word that definitely does not describe me is “spontaneous.”  I like to have a plan.  Even on vacations I like to have a plan.  But sometimes being spontaneous is exactly what needs to happen. This evening I messaged a friend to check in with her.  I...