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Being an Aunt

Being an aunt is pretty amazing. You play, have your special jokes, go for ice cream and SONIC’s, and you love like you never have before. I had the privilege to love two nephews when they were little before my children came along, and it was one of the biggest...

Happy Half Year!

January 1, 2017…I had such big plans. I was going to embrace my One Word, “change,” and really make a difference in my life. By the summer I would have lost at least 20 pounds, been going to the gym regularly, having a daily prayer life and been employed...

Going for it

Calling. It’s a word that people associate with being called into ministry. We are all called to different things. Teaching, speaking, writing, counseling, parenting…there are so many things. I don’t think we are called to only one thing in life....

Happy Birthday

There are some days in your life that stay with you. You relive them as if they just happened. June 23, 1996 is a day that stays with me. It was the day my firstborn came into the world. Throughout the night, I kept getting up to go to the bathroom. And when Joe and I...

The Campos Boys

San Diego, Texas.  You’ve probably never heard of it.  It’s a town in South Texas outside of Alice, Robstown and Corpus Christi.  It’s where my dad was born.  A small town where Spanish was spoken more than English and families were trying to make ends meet and chase...

Coming up for air

I’ve been underwater for too long. The chains around my ankles have kept me tied to the bottom of the ocean where it is cold and dark. No matter how hard I try, my limbs just can’t move and breaking free is impossible. Yesterday, I was finally able to push...