by cazmac9910 | Nov 23, 2016 | gratitude, Living Life, Oozing
There are so many things to give thanks for this season, but two very, special women have been on my heart. During my sophomore year in college, I moved from the dorms to the university apartments. I had one roommate that lasted only a short time and then I was...
by cazmac9910 | Nov 21, 2016 | Faith, God's Word, gratitude, Living Life, Oozing
Friday morning was different. I felt lighter (I wish I was referring to my weight, but not quite). I spent the day with my husband. We went to breakfast, drove to Santa Fe to see Julian and take him to lunch, ran the dogs, and just came home and enjoyed the...
by cazmac9910 | Nov 14, 2016 | gratitude, Living Life, Oozing
I have always equated grief with the loss (death) of someone I loved. When my parents both died a part of my soul went with them. I am the woman I am because of each of them. I have also grieved the loss of a sibling I never knew. He died before I was born and I...
by cazmac9910 | Nov 8, 2016 | Oozing, Uncategorized
Change is not always a welcomed visitor…especially when it is not your choice. At least when you have the choice to instigate change you may have an idea of what you are about to encounter. But when your livelihood is at stake change can be terrifying. I am...
by cazmac9910 | Oct 24, 2016 | God's Grace, gratitude, Living Life, Oozing
I suffer from clinical depression and anxiety. It’s not a big secret, but it’s something I don’t talk about very often. I was officially diagnosed 20 years ago but looking back on the years before that, I can see that there were definitely signs....
by cazmac9910 | Oct 17, 2016 | Oozing, Uncategorized
Friday night our women’s ministry held an event at our church. The program was filled with several women who shared their faith journey. It was absolutely amazing. Four women of all ages stood in front of our group and opened their hearts sharing their...