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My Heart Broke

Friday night we had our second Rio Rancho UMC Women in Ministry event for the year, “Lighten Your Load.”  It was a night of music, food and fellowship, prayers stations and a service project to benefit our youth.  It was a wonderful evening. Our prayer...

Rearing its head

I wasn’t quite prepared for the neck fusion I just had.  I’ve been in quite a bit of pain for a couple of years and after injections, medication, chiropractic care, and physical therapy, it was time for a surgical intervention.  The pain after surgery was...

Asking for Help

I have such a hard time asking for help.  It’s not in my DNA.  I have always been of the ilk that there was nothing I couldn’t do, so I needed to do it all!  I laugh when I think about how I was when Joe and I were newlyweds.  I set the table every night after working...

Daily Surrender

It’s funny how an overall pretty good week can be marked as a bad one with one unpleasant thing happening.  We give that unpleasant thing the power to destroy our outlook on an otherwise good week.  I am pretty guilty of letting that happen.   I find that...

A New Gear

I feel like I am in a new phase of my life.  It’s not that I’ve celebrated a significant birthday or changed jobs, I just feel like things are settling in and it feels good.  Sometimes you have to let go of relationships that drain you and when you do,  you realize...

No Diminishing

When my Caeleb was in the hospital more than at home and in a wheelchair all of the time, I found that a lot of people did not say much to me about their struggles.  And as the wife of a pastor, many people will confide in me (and I am blessed because they see me as a...