by cazmac9910 | Oct 8, 2013 | Oozing, Uncategorized
I started my Monday like any other, knowing that my “to do” list for work was pretty long. I went into the office in town (to pick up a loaner laptop) and what did I see? Hundreds of balloons in the air for the Balloon Fiesta! It is always breathtaking....
by cazmac9910 | Sep 23, 2013 | Faith, God's love, gratitude, Living Life, Oozing
I must say that there is nothing like flying at 30,000 feet and being away from everything. I do enjoy the flights that do not offer internet. It is a time where you are completely unplugged. On my way home from a recent business trip I was flying early this...
by cazmac9910 | Sep 16, 2013 | Faith, gratitude, Living Life, Oozing
I talked to one of my dearest friends last week. She was my mom’s best friend for many years. I can always call her and count on her when I need to talk. Sometimes you just need to call your mom when your child is sick and in the hospital…just because. ...
by cazmac9910 | Sep 10, 2013 | Oozing, Uncategorized
Have you ever watched those weight loss shows on television? At the beginning of the hour an extremely obese individual begins their journey of losing about 50% of their body weight in a two hour time span? That two hour time span is really a period of 365 days. ...
by cazmac9910 | Sep 3, 2013 | Faith, God's Grace, God's love, gratitude, Living Life, Oozing
It recently dawned on me that the point of my ministry (“Oozing”) is also called something else… I am very passionate about worship. Our lives are worship. Every experience we have can impact another person. Not just people we know, but complete...
by cazmac9910 | Aug 28, 2013 | Oozing, Uncategorized
Ugh. This week has been a struggle (yes, it’s only Tuesday). My work laptop crashed, I’m struggling with the temporary one I am trying to use, I physically feel gross, and Joe and “Christian” are out of town this week at medical appointments...