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I’ll be honest about something.  The thing that scares me the most about continuing Seminary is the “language.”  When you are in school, your writing takes on a new langage.  An academic style.  I’ve been writing columns and blogs for quite a...

Time Away…

I’ve not been writing regularly….I’ve been searching and listening. God has been working on me.  And He has made me listen.  I have felt God’s call on my life for quite some time and I have let life get in the way.  My “Christian’s”...

Home Base

I’ve been floundering for several weeks.  My son, “Lance”, had an accident, which involved my laptop.  We gave the laptop final rites and I have been” laptop-less” until this weekend.   Mind you we have a “family computer”,  I...

Hitting Home

I am so blessed to be with a wonderful group of ladies on Tuesday evenings.  We are reading Renee Swope’s “A Confident Heart.”  It is just a gem.  Every paragraph has an amazing nugget of wisdom that hits home for me.  I want to share a section that...

You Just Want to Shake Them

Moving on after the death of someone close to you is very difficult. If you have a spouse, children, close friendships, you can manage. But when your life is tied up into one person and they are suddenly taken away…what do you do? How do you help them move...