by cazmac9910 | Mar 2, 2012 | Excitement, God's Grace, intentional living, Oozing
I’ll be honest about something. The thing that scares me the most about continuing Seminary is the “language.” When you are in school, your writing takes on a new langage. An academic style. I’ve been writing columns and blogs for quite a...
by cazmac9910 | Feb 24, 2012 | God's Grace, intentional living, Oozing
I’ve not been writing regularly….I’ve been searching and listening. God has been working on me. And He has made me listen. I have felt God’s call on my life for quite some time and I have let life get in the way. My “Christian’s”...
by cazmac9910 | Feb 13, 2012 | Oozing, Uncategorized
I’ve been floundering for several weeks. My son, “Lance”, had an accident, which involved my laptop. We gave the laptop final rites and I have been” laptop-less” until this weekend. Mind you we have a “family computer”, I...
by cazmac9910 | Feb 10, 2012 | Doubt, God's love, Oozing
I am so blessed to be with a wonderful group of ladies on Tuesday evenings. We are reading Renee Swope’s “A Confident Heart.” It is just a gem. Every paragraph has an amazing nugget of wisdom that hits home for me. I want to share a section that...
by cazmac9910 | Jan 31, 2012 | Faith, God's Grace, gratitude, Living Life, Oozing
God was present on Sunday morning. He woke me up.I’ve not been pursuing Seminary for a while….I’ve just felt as if the timing was not right. There have been so many things that have happened (especially my “Christian’s” health...
by cazmac9910 | Jan 27, 2012 | Depression, Faith, Family, Oozing, prayer
Moving on after the death of someone close to you is very difficult. If you have a spouse, children, close friendships, you can manage. But when your life is tied up into one person and they are suddenly taken away…what do you do? How do you help them move...