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Am I Too Passionate?

Back in October, my 14 year old was bullied at school and physically attacked. I’ve been waiting and waiting for something to happen.Long story short, the Police Department did everything they were supposed to do, filed the report within 24 hours and now the...

The Things We Say

You never know how powerful your words are.An old school friend of mine shared a memory with me. She described the scene, told me what I said…but I couldn’t remember the moment! She sure did. I said something kind to her and it was something she needed to...

One of Those Days

You ever have one of those days that just pushed you to the limit every time you turned around?That was today. I don’t feel like talking much about it right now, but I know that Satan had a field day with me today. I was so busy and overwhelmed and angry at a...


There are some things in everyday living that just bring a sense of comfort and joy to my heart…Being the first one up in the morningMy snoring, overweight SheltieMy husband playing computer solitaireSetting clothes out at night for the next dayListening to my...

Sunday Morning Struggle

I struggle on Sunday mornings. As the wife of a pastor, “meeting and greeting” is part of the morning. I always feel like I have to be “on” and am always concerned that I am not “genuine” in my intentions. I’ll admit,...

Ten Minutes

I caught the end of a evening talk show the other night and the interviewer asked the celebrity a great question.”If you could re-live 10 minutes of your life, excluding the birth of your child, what would it be?” I remember it vividly. December 21, 1992...